Note to Self: You Rule.

Today marks my second year anniversary of quitting smoking.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't occasionally miss it, but 95% of the time I'm happy knowing that the old lungs are back to a normal, pinkish hue. And I love being able to run without getting a horrible stitch in my side, and I love waking up even after drinking entirely too much without a sore throat, and I don't miss the yearly bouts with bronchitis, and I don't miss having stinky clothes and hair.
I smoked my first cigarette in the seventh grade, and continued all through my formative years. For many years I was a serial quitter, quitting for weeks and months at a time (once in college I quit for an entire year). But every time I would go back to smoking I would somehow feel more life myself. Like the real, cynical, smartass, vulnerable high school aged Sasefina, cig firmly in hand. Smoking was a diversion, a meditation, a piece of armor. It was a hard habit to break, and I don't think I'll ever feel confident that I've progressed beyond it's grip.
But here's to growing up.
are you positive your hair isn't stinky? i mean, who's sniffing it these days?
who else reads this thing besides me and miss emily?
thats awesome, cuz. now you need to cut out the Skoal.
Miss Emily reads my blog?
Satisfied, I'm a Kodiak gal myself.
Holy fack I miss smoking. It completed me. Just like Jerry McGuire and that black girl, Captain Shagapuss. You know, the one legged herm with a penchant for Forsyth novels.
I'd love to kick the habit, but I also love the habit. I'm coming up on a 10-year anniversary with the stogies myself. The last week I've had a terrible smoker's cough, but I'm trying to fight though that - one cig at a time. I always feel like shit. And I'm poor. Maybe I should quit.
jeremypiv, where've you been all my life?
I dabbled, but never got serious. However, my Dad smoked for 45 straight years and then stopped cold turkey five years ago. Hasn't faltered and actually says that the thought disgusts him now. Kind of wild.
Congrats to you. Keep it up.
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